it’s strange how you can feel so strongly for someone, and for them to hold a space in your life with such importance. for each passing thought they see to always crop up, each particle embedded in sentience that drifts all but always carries their essence; flowing thru you constantly, to the point it becomes you. them and you.. form you. only for that to be shattered in an instant, and for the former to no longer exist. the chasm left is now a senseless vacuum, an imbalance that filled with anything but them is unstable and volatile. to be whole again is not an option.. instead you must await the painful healing process where their essence first detaches from your sentience in excruciating fashion. peeling away at self, forced rupture at a speed that only prolongs the angst. you are nowhere near completion, but you’re on your way. still time to endure the torture of this transition, undesired readjustment as you watch their essence drift into the distance, and the light slowly dim to indefinite darkness. you must grow to become accustomed to this darkness, as it’ll be your home for a while longer.