the fall

Mar 12, 2023


El Topo | Jodorowsky

Behind this cage lies a muscle

feeble with its back turned,


To the corner it runs, light too much to bear

but the fire inside burns intensely

unaware that the perceived cliff edge

is in actuality but the pouch of a mother kangaroo.

The perceived abyss is but a temporary figment

of your deceitful imagination

and darkness personified is but a lie

perpetually rewinding that cassette tape

as you continually chisel until there is no more.

You took a chainsaw to these chains

and rejoiced as those sparks flew

exalted as the picket perimeter fence

is blown apart close to daybreak.

So to glance is to risk and the reward is to look,

once you look, the reward is to fall

and once you fall, the reward is

the you that no other breathing soul can replicate.

