There she sat, with an ever-increasing isolation that overcame tangible distance. As she typed, her eyes focused in on a highlighted document that lay flat beside her. The yellow markings glared at her, providing a blinding rendition of the future she faced. Studying gave her the opportunity to achieve the dreams set for her, by those who preceded her. The tunnel narrowing all the while, but its end simultaneously disappearing from sight. Much time had passed since that very same little girl had dreams of being an astronaut. She now wants to be a doctor, but does she remember what came before age had its way?
Yet still, she studies away, ruthlessly creating notes from a textbook exploring the works of Marie Curie. Her actions are laborious and devoid of all interest, but she is content with the notion of achieving the grades she so desires. A brief lapse in concentration is met with the eyes of a waiter, but she quickly averts hers so as not to disrupt her flow. Soon hunger and thirst are mere by-products of hard work, and not an indication of pending ill-health. She works nevertheless, not daring to break focus, owing to an irrational fear of the future. An inability for her eyes to shift is born, confirming the loss of both individual experience and sense of self.
Doctor. Through apparent self-delusion, she has managed to convince herself that such presents eternal glory. It suits her. This is what and who she wants to be. This is what and who she has to be. Career. How monstrous that word can be. The passing of time has allowed the lines of passion and career to become so blurred that the former isn’t of any significance. The pursuit of passion now foretells the hideous, to only breed hunger and pain. She begins to write more vigorously, knowing the hands of time creep forward regardless. The onus is on her to crawl alongside, or spectacularly fail in front of an audience who expect nothing but success. Deeper in to her enclave she descends, the boarder narrowing ever more. Though she is claustrophobic in nature, the changes are subtle as she is fed group ideals incrementally until individual thoughts are no more. Drip, drip, drip. Now the idea of her being a doctor is a foregone conclusion. In fact, that is what she has always wanted to be.